Software technology platform for Home Companion Robot based on AI & ML to provide companionship to seniors and patients living with chronic diseases in their homes.
Our innovative AI/ML platform provides solutions to manage seniors & patients with chronic diseases especially Dementia & Alzheimer.
Our initial focus is on senior’s mental health utilizing various trained models using datasets from various other healthcare facilities globally.
Our potential partners include the best of breed Humanoid hardware manufacturers including NVIDIA, 1X, Boston Dynamics, Figure AI, Fourier, Galbot, Weave Robotics, Tesla, LimX Dynamics, Mentee, Neura Robotics, Skild AI
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We are currently engaged with several potential customers to validate our solutions within various clinical settings
Our partnerships with various Humanoid Robot manufacturers
Our innovative patented algorithms utilize Dementia specific trained models
Our latest research as well as articles developed by our team to share progress of our latest solutions